Accidents happen, but that doesn’t mean you should have to deal with the damages on your own, especially when you are not at fault. Whether you have been dealt a bad hand by a bus, car, plane, or even a taxi, you are still entitled to a claim and deserve fair treatment for your injuries and the costs of repairs to get your life back as you like it. But what happens when you’re not just dealing with a single driver in a personal car accident, but an entire corporation to fight? You need an experienced
Queens motor vehicle accident lawyer you can trust to get the job done right, and for that, you need look no further than the Povman Law Firm.
The Povman Law Firm has a proud history in our community as your trusted
Queens motor vehicle accident lawyer. For over 50 years we have fought for local New Yorkers just like you who know how intense it can be to live in the city that we choose to call home. Accidents happen, especially when your population is as great as hours, but that doesn’t mean you are any less entitled to the settlement you deserve. Our vehicular accident division has experience and education in ferry accidents, airlines both commercial and private, car and truck, tractor-trailer, subway, bus, bicycle, motorcycle, and even trains.
You are not alone in your accident claims, not when you have your local
Queens motor vehicle accident lawyer fighting alongside you. At the Povman Law Firm, whether you have suffered personal injury or that of personal property, you can rest assured that Morton Povman, Esq and Bruce Povman, Esq will stand-up to big corporations, small business, and personal matters alike to insure that your pain and grievances are well compensated for. The Povman Law Firm is proud to help you get the justice you deserve.
By The Povman Law Firm
August 22, 2013
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